COVID-19 Updates

28 Jun 2021
[WA] The Trots WA : COVID-19 Update 28.6.21
RWWA notes tonight’s announcement by the WA Government regarding the Perth and Peel region entering a circuit-breaker lockdown for a minimum of four days from midnight tonight. RWWA is currently working through the new restrictions with Government to understand the impacts to racing and will advise...
27 Jun 2021
[WA] The Trots WA : COVID-19 Update
The WA Government have advised that effective 12pm, Sunday 27 June, restrictions have been introduced for Perth and Peel for a minimum three days, due to COVID-19. People are encouraged to check the exposure locations. Please note that racing, trialling and trackwork will continue under strict bio-security...
27 Jun 2021
[NSW] NSW: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Horses Trained outside Lockdown Zone
Following the introduction of a lockdown for Greater Sydney including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast and Wollongong those licensed Trainers, Drivers and Stablehands who reside within that zone MUST remain within the lockdown zone unless NSW Government exemptions apply. Similarly, Trainers, Drivers...
23 Jun 2021
[NSW] NSW: Urgent - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Restrictions
The NSW Government has introduced restrictions from 4pm today for Greater Sydney, the Central Coast, Blue Mountains, Wollongong and Shellharbour for the next week including the following restrictions that will impact upon the harness racing industry: Masks will be compulsory in all indoor non-residential...
27 May 2021
[AUS] VICTORIA'S latest lockdown
VICTORIA’S latest lockdown has already claimed two victims. As another Corona virus outbreak grips the state, the government has announced a lockdown in a bid to stop further spread into the community. Within moments of the news other states established hard borders against Victoria to isolate...
7 May 2021
[WA] WA Racing Update - 7 May 2021
The WA Government have advised that restrictions will ease in the Perth and Peel regions as planned from 12.01am, Saturday 8 May, subject to no further outbreaks. These restrictions remain in place until 12.01am, Saturday 15 May. As part of the easing of restrictions masks are only required to be worn...
23 Apr 2021
[WA] WA Racing Update Part 2– 23 April 2021
23 Apr 2021
[WA] RWWA Covid Update Regarding GP Meeting on Friday 23 April
The Gloucester Park race meeting scheduled for this evening will go ahead. Participants are required to wear face masks at all times and practise social distancing. Further information regarding the weekend race meetings will follow as soon as the information is available. Kerry Hanks, Manager Harness...
12 Feb 2021
[NSW] NSW: COVID-19 Update - Victorian Developments
In light of the currently evolving situation in Victoria, HRNSW has not implemented restrictions for persons travelling interstate at this time. HRNSW will continue to monitor Government and Health advice and orders. Should stricter restrictions be implemented HRNSW will act accordingly. Industry participants...
5 Feb 2021
[WA] WA - G2G Passes Required for Next 8 Days
Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA) is pleased to advise of last night’s announcement, that pending no further local cases of COVID-19, the five-day lockdown for the Perth, Peel and South West regions will end as planned at 6pm, Friday 5 February. Perth and Peel will enter into a post-lockdown...