HRA Industry Notice - Hendra Virus Update - New Case Reported, Caboolture Area

11 October 2011

A sick horse on a property in the Caboolture area has been euthanased after returning a positive test result for Hendra virus infection.

Queensland Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Rick Symons said the horse had become sick over the weekend and was treated by a private veterinarian.

“Samples were taken for Hendra virus testing and the positive result came back late last night,” Dr Symons said.

“Another horse was euthanased at this property over a week ago. Biosecurity Queensland is seeking samples from that horse as well to test for Hendra virus.

“There are two remaining horses on the property.

“Biosecurity Queensland is in the process of quarantining the property and will assess and monitor the other horses at this location over the next month.” 

Queensland's Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young said public health experts would visit the property today to assess the situation and determine how many humans, if any, had contact with the infected horse.

“Queensland Health staff will continue to undertake contact tracing work to ensure all people potentially exposed to the sick horse have been identified,” Dr Young said.

"Queensland Health stands ready to provide any assistance, counselling, information, testing or treatment that may be required.

“I can also confirm that the follow up results are negative for all 66 people being monitored from previous Hendra virus cases this year.”

Dr Symons said this incident was the tenth in Queensland this year and this was the twelfth horse to be infected with the virus.

“We have consistently said that Hendra virus infection can occur throughout the year and we remind horse owners not to become complacent, but remain vigilant for the signs of Hendra virus at all times” he said.

“We will deal with this latest case just as we have with previous cases through a process of quarantine, testing and monitoring.

“Each incident this year has been isolated and there has been no spread of the infection from one property to another.

“Our focus remains on learning from these experiences and pursuing a range of avenues of research using the $12 million in funding provided by the Commonwealth, Queensland and New South Wales governments.”

Up to date information on Hendra virus is available at, including important workplace health and safety information for horse properties and other horse related businesses, and details of upcoming public information sessions.

For more information contact Biosecurity Queensland on 13 25 23 or visit   


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