Industry Notice - Cobra Rio Sulkies

12 October 2023

Following two failures of Rio Cobra sulkies in almost identical circumstances in late July 2023, Harness Racing Australia’s (HRA) Gear and Equipment Committee made the difficult decision to suspend the use of these sulkies pending the outcome of an independent test report (the Report).

The Report found it difficult to pinpoint a single issue for these failures. While both failures appear to have started at the welds of the horizontal cross beam, a particularly high-stress point for sulkies, it was ultimately determined that a combination of some or all of the following factors, including a weakened weld, fatigue, care, poor maintenance, drying practices leading to corrosion, and age, were all contributing factors.

Neither sulky had been modified in any way and matched the original test model exactly. However, it was revealed that both sulkies had been reconditioned and, therefore, consequently subjected to multiple sandblasting processes after the manufacturing process to aid with paint adhesion. This, too, could potentially weaken the weld joints and contribute to the failure given the repeated heating and cooling conditions impact on materials.

While no findings of fault were made in relation to these failures, as it would not be uncommon for sulkies to be refurbished, sold second-hand, or poorly maintained, the Report strongly recommended that Harness Racing Australia (HRA) publish a notice informing the industry about the dangers of repurposing and selling or buying secondhand sulkies, particularly those which have been subject to sandblasting on more than one occasion.
Industry participants are therefore reminded about the importance of proper care and maintenance of sulkies and in fact, all equipment. If there are signs of an observable crack or excessive corrosion, the sulky should be retired from use as it can lead to an increased likelihood of failure during operation. It was also recommended that HRA amend the Sulky Standard and Approval Process to include that manufacturers provide care and maintenance instructions with each sulky sold.

Having considered the contents of the Report, HRA’s Gear & Equipment Committee has accepted and will implement each of the recommendations.

The suspension of Cobra Rio sulky use is also lifted with immediate effect.

For more information, contact Andrew Kelly on 03 9227 3000.


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