HARNESS Racing New South Wales Stewards remind all Trainers that it is an offence to possess, administer, cause to administer, attempt to administer or be a party to the administration or attempted administration of a product containing cobalt salts to a horse by injection.
Australian Harness Racing Rules (AHRR) 194B and 196E state the following:
AHRR 194B. (1) A person must not have in his or her possession or on his or her premises any injectable product which contains cobalt salts.
(2) A person who fails to comply with sub-rule (1) is guilty of an offence.
AHRR 196E. (1) A person must not:-
(a) Administer;
(b) Cause to be administered;
(c) Attempt to administer; or
(d) Be a party to the administration or attempted administration of a product containing cobalt salts to a horse by injection.
(2) Where the Stewards are satisfied that a horse has or may have been administered a product containing cobalt salts by injection contrary to sub-rule (1) the horse shall either be withdrawn or disqualified from the race.
(3) A person who fails to comply with sub-rule (1) is guilty of an offence.
A number of registered injectable veterinary products still contain cobalt salts including:
• Troy Hemoplex Injection;
• Hemo-15 Vitamin-Amino Acid Injection; and
• NV Haemo Injection.
The current formulation of NV V.A.M injection does not contain cobalt salts (as displayed on the product packaging) and the possession and use of this product is permissible.
Trainers are advised to check the ingredients of all injectable veterinary supplements in their stable and seek the advice of their registered veterinarian in relation to products that contain cobalt salts and alternative products that do not contain cobalt salts.
If anyone requires further information please contact HRNSW Integrity Department on (02) 9722 6600.