"Trial Age" – Rule Amendment

28 September 2020

The change of horse age, brought about as a result of the racing year changing to 1 January, has required an amendment to AHRR 35A(3) (the Rule) which defines the age at which a horse can trial.

Currently the Rule states:

AHRR 35A(3) A horse shall not compete in a trial before it attains the age of 2 years.

This Rule is no longer practical as trialling is an important event in the development of a racehorse and to delay this opportunity, as per the current rule, could be detrimental to it’s education and also set Australian horses behind the development and experience of horses from New Zealand, who will not only have been trialling, but potentially also racing since November in the year prior to the first programmed 2yo races in Australia.

Welfare was also a consideration, however, as the breeding season has not altered, there is likley to be very little, if any, variation in the actual age and development of the horses participating in these trials than is curretly the case.

The amendment is therefore relatively straightforward and will read:

AHRR 35A (3) A horse shall not compete in a trial before 1 October in the year preceding it attaining the age of 2 years.


For further information please contact:


p: +61 3 9227 3000    e: akelly@hra.com.au