F.E.G.A.T. delegates on a general assembly the arranging of a European Championship (EC) or World Championship (WC) to a member country. European championships are organised every year. Mixed (ladies and men) world championships are organised every second year. The amateur association of the organising member country carries out the EC or WC together with the national principal association as well as with the race tracks responsible for the meeting. The races are driven under the national regulations.

An official representative is to be present at every race event is for the F.E.G.A.T. to be asked about every matter concerning the EC/WC that can turn up during the race day. At every ceremony for the winners one representative for the F.E.G.A.T. must attend. At the final ceremony of a championship the entire F.E.G.A.T. council must be present.

The participating countries must provide that either their driver or their official representative or other accompanying persons speaking either English or German. The organising country has to provide a person responsible for each driver who can speak either English or German.


The races are driven with horses from the organising country. If more countries have announced participation than the organiser can provide horses for in one race, in extraordinary emergencies a change in the picking of the drivers for each race can occur – but only after approval of the F.E.G.A.T. council. For every race there has to be horses enough for every driver and on top of that there has to be two reserve horses ready. The mode with more races and fewer starting horses where every driver can not start in every race is accepted but should be an exception.

Every driver shall have the opportunity to participate in at least 4 races (the more the better) with a mobile start. The organiser decides as to the distance of the races. As a rule the races are driven over middle distance (<2,000 metres). Exception: Europa Cup, if the same horses are used in elimination and final.

The draw of the horses has to be executed in the presence of a nominee from the amateur association of the organising country. If possible, the draw shall be processed by the participants themselves. The quality of the horses offered to the drivers shall be as even as possible in each race. If this can not be done the horses in each race shall be divided in two categories; good and less good. Every driver shall have the possibility to drive the same amount of good horses. Also the drivers shall have the possibililty to start in half of his races from an open track.

If all horses start in the first row the draw of the horses is also done in two groups, so that all drivers start in the inner half at least half of his races driver. As inner half is meant half + 1 (with uneven number of starters + 0,5).


Allowed to participate in the EC and WC is the champion of the past year from each member nation. In a WC the overseas nations decide themselves who will represent them.

If the ruling champion cannot participate, the member country must nominate another driver. Every participant must prove that he/she has won no less than 10 victories. Every driver must have an official, valid amateur driver license from his own country. The races are driven in national colours (national dress).


All F.E.G.A.T. championships are driven without whip.


The nomination of drivers must be given on the F.E.G.A.T. official form in three copies. The nominations are accepted if sent by mail, telefax or e-mail. One copy remains with the national amateir association, one is forwarded to the F.E.G.A.T. and the third copy is sent to the oragniser. The entry date must be early enough so that is possible for the F.E.G.A.T. to notify the members as to the names of the participants no less than 3 weeks before the event.

Score System

The European or World Champion is chosen through a score system which nominates the driver who has reached the highest score. The winner in each race gets 4 points more than the second placed who gets 2 points more than the third placed. From the third placed and down the interval is always the same so that the last placed receives 1 point. If races are driven with different number of drivers the point system with the highest number of participants will be used for all races.

For disqualified and unplaced drivers who do not turn up in the official valuation is given 1 point. If more than one driver has the same score, the number of first, second, etc. places are used to determine the rank. If this is not enough to determine the rank the added time used on all races driven will be decisive.

In the case of a photo finish of two or more horses sharing the same place, everyone will be given the score he/she would have received if he/she had been alone on that place.

With 14 participants:































Not participating: example Formula with 14 participants: the total points dealt out are 110

110 : 14 (number of participants) = 7.86 = 8 points

When deciding a decimal digit, up to 0.49 is reduced to the nearest lower full number and from 5.0 elevated to the nearest higher full number.

Result List

For every race driven there has to be presented a result list immediately, showing at least the names of the horses, the names of the drivers and the time used for every driver who has completed the race. It should also show the odds and punishments given. The distribution of and final decision about points has to be done under the supervision of the F.E.G.A.T. secretary general or a council member of the F.E.G.A.T.


Eventual fine must be claimed by the organising race track either in cash or by bill stating name of account holder, bank and account number. Driving ban or other sanctions are, due to U.E.T. regulations, to be respected in all F.E.G.A.T. member countries.


The purse of the race is provided by the arranging race track or the principal organisation in the member country. The F.E.G.A.T. gives gold, silver and bronze medals for the first three in the total summary. When a WC is held the F.E.G.A.T. only gives the medals when a member country is the organiser. The organiser has the responsibility to provide honorary prices in all separate races as well as for the first three total summary winners.


The organiser invites no less than 3 persons from countries participating (driVer with respective and official representative from each country). For these 3 persons the organiser pays all costs such as meals, entries, bus transfer and excursions but does not have to pay for lodging. The costs for lodging shall be paid in advance upon demand.

The entire F.E.G.A.T. council is invited to all events and all costs for the council including lodging is a responsibility of the organiser.

There shall be a final banquet for all attending the event.

For attendants exceeding 3 the organiser is entitled to get full payment for all costs. These costs shall be paid in advance upon demand.

Costs to be paid have to be announed in the invitation to the event stating:

A. costs for first 3 participants
B. costs for participants exceeding 3
C. currency used
D. account number holder and account number for transfer

F.E.G.A.T. Europe Cup

All member countries are allowed to send a male and a female driver. The participants must have a valid license and be able to prove no less than 5 victories won. The races are driven in national colours:

1 trial race woman
1 trial race men
1 consolation
1 final to crown the Europe Cup winner.

After the test races the drivers are given horses by lottery. In the finals 5-6 drivers from each trial race are allowed to start, due to number of competitors (the same number of participants from each trial). All remaining competitors are entitled to start in the consolation race. The draw of the horses is a mission for the organiser.


If any uncertainty or occurrence not described in these general rules turns up, the F.E.G.A.T. council makes the interpretation and decides what to do. For the interpretation of these general rules as well as for its supplements the german version is normative. FÉDÉRATION EUROPÉNNE DES GENTLEMEN AMATEURS ET CAVALIÉRS DU TROT.

Europäischer Verband der Amateurfahrer und –Fahrerinnen des Trabersports.

Decided on the 23rd of November 1998 – The council


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