Harness Racing Australia
HRA Corporate

HRA Office Bearers, National Body, Corporate & Service Providers

Office Bearers for 2024
Effective Date of Implementation:  
28 March 2024

Executive Members





Graeme Campbell OAM
Independent Chair


Ken Brown AM
Deputy Chairman


  Jodie Jones


Executive Members
Adam Kilgour
  Neil Grose
(Tas-Tasracing Pty Ltd)
  Dr Carlo D'Ortenzio
  Bob Fowler
HRA National Body

Andrew Kelly  
Chief Executive


  Chief Executive: Andrew Kelly
  Equine Health, Welfare and Traceability: Kathleen Mullan
  Head of Racing and Strategy: Toby McKinnon
  Chief Information Officer: Gerard Mullins
  Central Services Hub Leader: Lisa Maher
  DNA Co-ordinator, Registration, Naming, Clearances: Laraine Rischitelli
  Central Services Hub Registrar: Soraya Wells
  Central Services Hub Registrar: Peter Lawrence
  HRA Database Administrator, Reports: Kathy Gebert
  Office Administrator, Accounts Services: Kerry Macaloney
  General Email: hra@hra.com.au
  Naming Enquiries: naming@hra.com.au
  Registration Enquiries: registrar@hra.com.au
  Phone: 61 3 9227 3000
  Mail: Level 1, 400 Epsom Road, Flemington Vic  3031  Australia
Chief Executive: Andrew Kelly
Hon. Legal Advisor: Dean Cooper, LL.B (Hons)(University of Tasmania)
Public Officer:  Ashley Turner
Hon. Veterinary Consultants: TBA
Corporate Service Providers:  
Auditors:   Countpro
Other HRA Service Providers:  
DNA Genotyping Services: Bureau Veritas Laboratories
Trophy Recognition Awards:
Renown Silverware
John Hawke, Managing Director
Aust. National Public Liability Insurance:  
  Insurance Underwriters: AXA XL
  HRA Insurance Brokers: Willis Towers Watson and V-Insurance Group
Printers, Australian Trotting Stud Book: Openbook Howden Print and Design
Biomechanical Engineering Consultants: Velocity Track Engineering Consultants (VTEC)

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